Museum of passion plays and Museum of Radios

Museum of passion plays

Hořice na Šumavě 6
38222 Hořice na Šumavě
Contact: Obec Hořice na Šumavě

Telephone: +420 380 737 201
Mobile phone: +420 606 571 714

E-mail: info@horicenasumave.cz
WWW: www.horicenasumave.cz

Location: Region of Český Krumlov
Type: Museums

Location on the map

Exposition is installed in two ground floor rooms. The first room introduces history of village Hořice na Šumavě and surrounding municipalities. Greater interest is paid here to local church and development of crafts business in Hořice. The second room is dedicated to detailed history of passion plays, described since the middle of the 19th Century. In the center of room is located great model of passion area, which has been made by local native Petr Brabec.

The Museum of Radios has been open since 4 July 2001.All radios have been carefully restored and most are fully functional. Mr. Antonín Brodňanský, the collector and owner, continues to collect extra pieces, adding to the collection. This unique museum could be a welcome addition to all visitors in the region.

Advance telephone reservation is recommended.

Museum of passion plays

Photographs of representatives of Christ in 1993 and 1947th Left table crucifix (around 1800).

In center of exposition are located great smithy bellows, and other historic items, which are selected into showcases. From other exhibits can be seen for example roller wringer motored by human power.
Exposition is accompanied by rich collection of photograph and picture documentation. There is installed even publication from the 30', containing special pictures. With exhibited glasses can be these pictures seen in 3D mode.

Possibilities: Possibility to arrange a tour out of the opening hours

Exposotion of radios

Museum of Radios

Exhibition contains about 180 pc radios.
Radios are not specially selected, only company Tesla occupies for understandable reasons the greatest space.

Passion games