Lookout tower on Kleť

Lookout tower on Kleť

38203 Kleť
Contact: Radio Faktor

Telephone: +420 724 700 300
Mobile phone: +420 724 700 300

E-mail: info@klet.com
WWW: www.klet.com

Location: Region of Český Krumlov
Type: Things to do

Location on the map

Offered services:

  • Refreshment

It was built between 1822 and 1825. It is the oldest stone look-out tower in Bohemia, and you can see the Alps from here in cold weather.

Accessibility by road:
It is possible to reach the top via different routes starting from different places of the region - from Český Krumlov, Holubov, Křemže, Chvalšiny, Zlatá Koruna, Brloh.

Opening times:

Dates From - To Tour duration
01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019   (Tu-Su) 09:00 - 17:00